Closing Schedules
Monthly Closing Calendars and Schedules outline key dates for closing the Oracle Financial System for each month. Oracle is a powerful and flexible system, and therefore, it is important that the monthly closing process be completed in a controlled and orderly manner.
Monthly closing schedules and calendars summarizing the key events and the order in which tasks must be completed are provided.
The closing process for the Oracle modules (i.e. A/P, A/R, Grants, & Purchasing) begins the 1st business day of the following month. The general ledger module will close by the 4th business day of the following month.
Users who have ownership of Non-Oracle Subsystems (ex. Telecomm, Printing & Graphics, Postage, Bio-Med and Physical Plant) are required to submit data files to the Office of the University Controller/Oracle by close of business on the due date as outlined in the schedule. The cut-off date is the last date to process transactions in the user's system.